Falkenberg, T. (Eds.), (2024). Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools. University of Toronto Press.
Deer, F., & Falkenberg, T. (Eds.). (2016). Indigenous perspectives on education for well-being in Canada. Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.
Falkenberg, T. (Ed.). (2015). Handbook of Canadian research in initial teacher education. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
Deer, F. Falkenberg, T., McMillan, B., Sims, L. (Eds.). (2014). Sustainable well-being: Concepts, issues, perspectives, and educational practices. Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.
Falkenberg, T., & Smits, H. (Eds.). (2008). Mapping research in teacher education in Canada: Proceedings of the Working Conference on Research in Teacher Education in Canada, Winnipeg, 1-3 November 2007. Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
Falkenberg, T. (1996). Grammatiken als empirische axiomatische Theorien [Grammars as empirical axiomatic theories].(Linguistische Arbeiten: Vol 346.) Tübingen, Germany: Niemeyer.
Book Chapters
- Falkenberg, T. (in press). Contemplative pedagogy for well-being in higher education and beyond. In M. Drinkwater & Y. Waghid (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of ethics of care in transformative leadership in higher education. Bloomsbury.
- Falkenberg, T. (2024). Conclusion: Where to go from here (2024). In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 271-279). University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T. (2024). Finding meaning in life through school mathematics. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 219-234). University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T., Krepski, H., Hauseman, C., & Watt, J. (2024). A complex adaptive systems approach to well-becoming in schools. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 197-216). University of Toronto Press.
- Hauseman, C., Falkenberg, T., Watt, J., Krepski, H. (2024). Developmental evaluation as a tool for promoting well-being in schools: A case study. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 178-196). University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T. (2024). Meaning in life: A core component of human and student well-becoming. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 100-119). University of Toronto Press.
- Heringer, R., & Falkenberg, T. (2024). Responding to the other: The need for an ethic of well-being. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 59-75). University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T. (2024). Introduction: Framing the work on well-being and well-becoming needed in school education. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Well-being and well-becoming in schools (pp. 3-20). University of Toronto Press.
- Falkenberg, T., & Link, M. (2023). Initial teacher education in Canada. In R. de Oliveira Brito & A. Guilherme (Eds.), Formação de professores ao redor do mundo: Desafios e opportunidades / Teacher education around the world: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 149-167). Brasilia, Brazil: UNESCO.
Free e-copy of the publication - Link, M., & Falkenberg, T. (2021). Teacher leadership in education for sustainable well-being and well-becoming. In K. D. Walker, B. Kutsyuruba, & S. Cherkowski (Eds.), Positive leadership for flourishing schools (pp. 341-353). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishers.
- Link, M., & Falkenberg, T. (2021). Capabilities-development-within-nature pedagogy: Science education through and for well-being. In J. Nickel & M. Jacobson (Eds.), Preparing teachers as curriculum designers (pp. 310-336). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2020). An ethic of sustainable well-being and well-becoming: A systems approach to virtue ethics. H. Bai, D. Chang, & Scott, C. (Eds.). A book of ecological virtues: Living well in the Anthropocene (pp. 157-177). Regina, SK: University of Regina Press.
- Goodnough, K., Falkenberg, T., & McDonald, R. (2020). Examining the nature of teacher education using the principle of contradictions: A Cultural Historical Activity Theory perspective. In K. Nolan & J. Tupper (Eds.), Beyond the technical-rational: Drawing on social theory for teacher education research (pp. 13-31). London, UK: Bloomsbury.
- Falkenberg, T., Link, M., & Casey, C. (2019). Education for sustainability and well-being. In J. Barrett & C. Scaini (Eds). Physical and health education in Canada: Integrated approaches for elementary teachers (pp. 175-177). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
- Falkenberg, T., & Link, M. (2019). A disciplined practice of collaboratively working on teaching as contemplative professional practice (pp. 73-85). In O. Gunnlaugson, C. Scott, H. Bai, H., & E. W. Sarath (Eds.), Catalyzing the field: Second-person approaches to contemplative learning. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
- Falkenberg, T. (2018). Assessing student well-being: Providing for student voice. In S. Cherkowski & K. Walker (Eds.), Perspectives on flourishing schools (pp. 111-126). Lanham, ML: Lexington Books.
- Falkenberg, T., & Young, J. (2018). Understanding curriculum history of initial teacher education in Manitoba. In T. M. Christou (Ed.), The curriculum history of Canadian teacher education (pp. 145-159). New York, NY: Routledge.
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- Sims, L., & Falkenberg, T. (2016). Developing competencies for education for sustainable development: A case study of Canadian faculties of education. In D. Karrow, M. DiGiuseppe, P. Elliott, Y. Gwekwerere, & H. Inwood (Eds.), Canadian perspectives on initial teacher environmental education praxis (pp. 153-185). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
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- Deer, F., & Falkenberg, T. (2016). Introduction. In F. Deer & T. Falkenberg (Eds.), Indigenous perspectives on education for well-being (pp. 1-5). Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2016). Conclusion: Learning from Indigenous perspectives. In F. Deer & T. Falkenberg (Eds.), Indigenous perspectives on education for well-being (pp. 187-194). Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2016). Inner wisdom: A foundation for being a teacher. In K. Ragoonaden & S. Bullock (Eds.), Mindfulness and critical friendship: A new perspective on professional development for educators (pp. 1-12). Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2015). Introduction. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Handbook of Canadian research in initial teacher education (pp. 1-16). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
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- Nickel, J., O’Connor, K., Falkenberg, T. (2015). Initial teacher education in Western Canada. In T. Falkenberg (Ed.), Handbook of Canadian research in initial teacher education (pp. 39-59). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2014). Making sense of Western approaches to well-being for an educational context. In F. Deer, T. Falkenberg, B. McMillan, & L. Sims (Eds.), Sustainable well-being: Concepts, issues, and educational practices (pp. 77-94). Winnipeg, MB: ESWB Press.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2014). Awareness, attention, and noticing in teaching and teacher education. In L. Thomas (Ed.), Becoming teacher: Sites for teacher development in Canadian teacher education (pp. 312-338). Ottawa, ON: Canadian Association for Teacher Education.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2013). Foreword. In K. Goodnough, G. Galway, C. Badenhorst, & R. Kelly (Eds.), Inspiration and innovation in teaching and teacher education (pp. vii-ix). Lanham, ML: Lexington Books.
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- Falkenberg, T., & Smits, H. (2011). Introduction: Evidence as a research problem in teacher education research. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.). (2011). The question of evidence in research in teacher education in the context of teacher education program review in Canada (2 vols., pp. 1-21). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2010). Introduction: Central issues of field experiences in Canadian teacher education programs. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.), Field experiences in the context of reform of Canadian teacher education programs (2 vols..; pp. 1-50). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
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- Falkenberg, T., & Young, J. (2010). Rethinking “field experiences” in an era of teacher education reform: A governance perspective. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.), Field experiences in the context of reform of Canadian teacher education programs (2 vols.; pp. 165-185). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2009). Starting with the end in mind: Ethics-of-care-based teacher education. In F. J. Benson & C. Riches (Eds.) Engaging in conversation about ideas in teacher education (pp. 50-59). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2009). Response. In F. J. Benson & C. Riches (Eds.) Engaging in conversation about ideas in teacher education (pp. 48-49). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2008). Questions of purpose in teacher education. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.), Mapping out research in teacher education in Canada: Proceedings of the Working Conference on Research in Teacher Education in Canada, Winnipeg, 1-3 November 2007 (pp. 33-39). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education (University of Manitoba).
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- Falkenberg, T. (2008). Mapping research in teacher education in Canada: A pan-Canadian approach. In T. Falkenberg & H. Smits (Eds.), Mapping out research in teacher education in Canada: Proceedings of the Working Conference on Research in Teacher Education in Canada, Winnipeg, 1-3 November 2007 (pp. 1-19). Winnipeg, MB: Faculty of Education of the University of Manitoba.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2006). Moral education in the teaching of mathematics. In J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka, & N. Stehlikova (Eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (Vol. 3, pp. 49-56). Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University, Faculty of Education.
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- Falkenberg, T. (2006). Mathematics teaching and the larger purpose of schooling: Developing ‘moving ideas’. In P. Liljedahl (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2006 Annual Meeting of the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group (pp. 141-142). Burnaby, BC: Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group.
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- Falkenberg, T., Yamamoto, K., & Bai, H. (2004). Care versus justice in education: Dilemmas, difficulties, and resolutions. In G. Germain, C. Mills, N. Marchland, & M. Rogers, (Eds.), WestCAST 2004. Annual Conference of the Western Canadian Association for Student Teaching. Re-framing teacher education: The changing landscape (pp. 234-238). Edmonton, AB: University of Alberta, Faculty of Education.
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- Falkenberg, T. (1996). Idiolect and convention: Incompatible concepts? In R. Sackmann & M. Budde (Eds.), Theoretical linguistics and grammatical description: Papers in honour of Hans-Heinrich Lieb (pp. 151-161). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: John Benjamins.
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Journal Articles
- Falkenberg, T., & Heringer, R. (2024). Loneliness and belonging in Canadian schools: A knowledge synthesis study. in education 29(2), 3-30.
For a copy of the article in the open-access journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T., Heringer, R., & Pilli, B. (2024). Manitoba grade 9 students’ satisfaction with life: A survey of self-reported well-being. Brock Education Journal, 33(2), 88-108.
For a coy of the article in the open-access journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2023). Contemplative practices and the concern for well-being in schools: A well-being pedagogy. Holistic Education Review, 3(2), 14 pages.
For a copy of the article in the open-access journal, click here. - Cohen, A., & Falkenberg T. (2023). Inner Work: Foundational to contemplative and holistic education. Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education, 1(2), Art. 5.
For a copy of the article in the open access journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T., Ukasoanya, G., & Krepski, H. (2021). Students’ understanding of student well-being: A case study. McGill Journal of Education, 56(2/3), 201-224.
For a copy of the article in the open-access journal, click here.
- Chang, D., Scott, C., Banack, H., Beavington, L., Culham, T., Falkenberg, T., . . . Zhao, S. (2021). From hermit crabs to humus: Heesoon Bai’s contributions to cultural studies in science education. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 16, 675-688.
- Luong, H., Falkenberg, T., & Rahimian, M. (2021). Students’ learning experience with a flipped introductory organic chemistry course: The case of non-chemistry majors. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 47(1), 14-32.
For a copy of the article in the open-access journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T., & Krepski, H. (2020). On conceptualizing child well-being: Drawing on disciplinary understanding of childhood. Canadian Journal of Education, 43(4), 891-917.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Sims, L., Asselin, M., & Falkenberg, T. (2020). Environmental and sustainability education: Pedagogical approaches in pre-service teacher education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 23(1), 14-32.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Slater, J., Falkenberg, T., Rutherford, J., & Colatruglio, S. (2018). Food literacy competencies: A conceptual framework for youth transitioning to adulthood. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 42, 547-556.
- Bai, H., Cohen, A., Miyakawa, M., & Falkenberg, T. (2018). Mindfulness for adulating. Learning: Research and Practice, 4(1), 12-28.
- Goodnough, K., Falkenberg, T., Macdonald, R., & Murphy, E. (2017). Making sense of divides and disconnects in a preservice teacher education program. in education, 23(1), 109-129.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Anderson, H., & Falkenberg, T. (2016). The role and status of food and nutrition literacy in Canadian school curricula. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 62(1), 87-109.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2016). Assessing well-being and well-becoming in Canadian schools: Contributions of children’s rights perspectives. Revue d’éducation/Education Review, 5(1), 29-34.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Goodnough, K., Falkenberg, T., & MacDonald, R. (2016). Examining the nature of theory-practice relationships in initial teacher education: A Canadian case study. Canadian Journal of Education, 39(1), 28 pages.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2015). Introduction: Philosophical Perspectives on Education for Well-Being. Paideusis: The Journal of the Philosophy of Education Society, 22(2), 1-7. [Introduction to the special themed issue: Perspectives on Education for Well-Being.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal (now: Philosophical Inquiry in Education), click here.
- Falkenberg, T., Goodnough, K., & MacDonald, R. J. (2014). Views on and practices of integrating theory and practice in teacher education programs in Atlantic Canada. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 60(2), 339-360.
To link to the journal, click here.
- Raus, R., & Falkenberg, T. (2014). The Journey towards A Teacher’s Ecological Self: A Case Study of a Student Teacher. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability, 16(2), 103-114. doi: 10.2478/jtes-2014-0014.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T., & Babiuk, G. (2014). The status of education for sustainability in initial teacher education programs: A Canadian case study. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 15(4), 418-430.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2014). School mathematics education: What is the point? (Discussion Paper of the Manitoba Association of School Superintendents) Winnipeg, MB: Manitoba Association of School Superintendents.
For a copy of the paper, click here.
To access the paper through the organization’s website, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2013). The recent Manitoba K-8 mathematics curriculum revision: Interrogating its rationale and outcome. The MERN Journal, 7, 49-53.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Sims, L., & Falkenberg, T. (2013). Developing competencies for education for sustainable development: A case study of Canadian faculties of education. International Journal of Higher Education, 2(4), 1-14.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2013). The role of reflection in addressing the social responsibility mandate of teacher education. Phronesis 2(1), 52-66.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Collis, K., Falkenberg, T., & Morin, F. (2013). A program model for the induction of inner city teachers. The MERN Journal, 6, 15-25.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2012). Teaching as contemplative professional practice. Paideusis, 20(2), 25-35.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2012, Spring). Noticing: Its role in working on one’s responding in pedagogical moments. The Holistic Educator, 22(1), 1-3.
For a copy of the article, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2011). Knowing mathematics-for-teaching: The case of planning learning activities. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 35, 58-69.
For a copy of a pre-publication version, click here. To link to the journal, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2011). A more evidence-based proposal to support teachers’ mathematics teaching competencies. The MATH Journal 40(1), 13-16.
For a copy of the article,click here.
- Babiuk, G, & Falkenberg, T. (2011, Spring). Education for sustainability in Manitoba: What should be done? MASS Journal, 12(1), 14-16.
For a copy of the article,click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2010). Framing an integrative approach to the education and development of teachers in Canada. McGill Journal of Education, 45(3), 555-576.
For a copy of the article, link to the open-access journal here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2010). Admission to teacher education programs: The problem and two approaches to addressing it. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, #107, 1-35.
For a copy of the article, link to the open-access journal here.
- Falkenberg, T., & Noyes, A. (2010). Conditions for linking school mathematics and moral education: A case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 949-956.
- Babiuk, G., & Falkenberg, T. (2010, February). Preparing for and supporting education for sustainable living. Education Manitoba, 8(2), 7.
For a copy of the article, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2009). Philosophy as a way of caring in teacher education. Asian Journal of Educational Research and Synergy, 1(1), 15-30.
For a copy of the article, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2009). [Review of Jo-Anne Lake (2009). Math memories you can count on: A literature-based approach to teaching mathematics in the primary classrooms. Markham, ON: Pembroke.]. CM: Canadian Review of Materials, 15(20).
To view the article, click here.
- Falkenberg, T. (2008). Shaping the future: Critical essays on teacher education [Review of the book Shaping the future: Critical essays on teacher education]. Teachers College Record, published October 28, 2008 online,, ID Number: 15428
For a copy of a pre-publication version, click here. To link to the journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2007). On the grounding of teacher education in the human condition. Journal of Educational Thought, 41(3), 245-262.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2007). Some thoughts on the GCF in the teaching and learning of school mathematics. The Math Journal, 35(2), 12-16.
For a copy of a pre-publication version, click here. - Beck, K., Cohen, A., & Falkenberg, T. (2007). Bridging the divide between being and knowing: In quest of care-ethical agency. Paideusis: International Journal in Philosophy of Education, 16(2), 45-53.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2007). [Review of Cora Lee & Gillian O’Reilley (2007). The great number rumble: A story of math in surprising places. Toronto: Annick Press.]. CM: Canadian Review of Materials, 13(17).
To view the article, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2006). Review of ‘Talking About Feelings and Values with Children’. [Michael Schleifer (with Cynthia Martiny) (2006). Talking about feelings and values with children. Calgary, Alberta: Detselig.] Paideusis: International Journal in Philosophy of Education, 15(2), 101-106.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2005). Caring in the teaching and learning of mathematics. For the Learning of Mathematics, 25(3), 28-29.
For a copy of the article, click here. To link to the journal, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2004). Caring as the basis for the moral life in schools. Canadian Association of Principals Journal, 12(3), 8-10.
For a copy of the article, click here. - Falkenberg, T. (2004). Computer-guided learning: A field study. Vector, 45(1), 35-47.
- Falkenberg, T. (2002). A critical challenge in mathematics: Democracy – A mathematical problem (Part 2). Vector, 43(1), 22-28.
- Falkenberg, T. (2001). Critical mathematical challenge: Democracy – A mathematical problem. Vector, 42(2), 19-20.
- Falkenberg, T. (2000). Writing assignments in secondary school mathematics (Part 2). Vector, 41(3), 31-36.
- Falkenberg, T. (2000). Writing assignments in secondary school mathematics (Part 1). Vector, 41(2), 61-66
- Falkenberg, T. (1996). Axiomatic functionalism and the use of the axiomatic method in linguistics. Lingua Posnaniensis, XXXVII, 7-27.
Research Reports
Morin, F., Falkenberg, T., & Collis, K. (2013). The Professional Learning Centre Program for Inner City Teachers and School Leaders: Year 3 program evaluation report. Report prepared for the Winnipeg School Division, Winnipeg, Canada. 151 pages.
Morin, F., Falkenberg, T., Collis, K., & Smith, C. (2012). The Professional Learning Centre Program for Inner City Teachers and School Leaders: Year 2 program evaluation report. Report prepared for the Winnipeg School Division, Winnipeg, Canada. 124 pages.
Babiuk, G., & Falkenberg, T., (with F. Deer, S. Giesbrecht, S. Singh, and the leaders of 7 individual research projects). (2010). Sustainable development and living through changing teacher education and teaching in Manitoba. Report prepared for Manitoba Education and the Canadian Council on Learning. 241 pages.
Copy of the report.
Morin, F., Falkenberg, T., & Collis, K. (2009). The Professional Learning Centre Program for Inner City Teachers and School Leaders: Year 1 program evaluation report. Report prepared for the Winnipeg School Division, Winnipeg, Canada. 91 pages.
Falkenberg, T. (Host). (2024, February 19). Well-being and well-being in schools in Canada [6-part audio podcast series]. UMFM 101.5, University of Manitoba.
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Falkenberg, T. (Guest). (2024, February 19). Episode 1: Introduction to the series. In T. Falkenberg (Host), Well-being and well-becoming in schools in Canada. UMFM 101.5, University of Manitoba.
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Falkenberg, T. (Guest). (2024, February 19). Episode 6: A framework for well-being in schools. In T. Falkenberg (Host), Well-being and well-becoming in schools in Canada. UMFM 101.5, University of Manitoba.
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Falkenberg, T. (Guest). (2020, September 28). Well-being and well-becoming: AN integrated systems approach for education. In The Balanced Educator Podcast, Episode 116.
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Falkenberg, T. (Guest). (2020, April 29). Episode 2: Conceptualizing well-being and well-becoming in schools. In J. Watt (Host), Schools of well-being.
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